
Health & Human Performance

Special Interest Section
Section Members: Log In to Access Community Site
Health and Human Performance section leadership
Chair Kevin Trangle
Secretary Abena Opoku
Treasurer Jeffrey Liva
Vice Chair Richard Price
Who Should Join?

All individuals interested in workplace health and wellness initiatives, those wanting a more comprehensive understanding of health and productivity in the workplace, and members wishing to participate in research/projects on workplace health and wellness.


The Section on Health and Human Performance shall:

  • Identify, qualify, conceptualize and prepare for implementation opportunities for ACOEM to partner with entities such as PHARMA Corporations, Employers, Unions, Academia, etc.
  • Develop and promulgate consensus guidelines and/or standards for the assessment and evaluation of measurements of productivity and systems for tracking such measurements in the workplace
  • Facilitate, promote, arrange for and/or conduct primary, secondary, and tertiary research on such measurements and tracking systems either alone or in partnership with others
  • Refine such measurements and tracking systems based on the findings of such research
  • Identify and implement products and services that ACOEM either alone or in partnership can make available to those in need of such measurements and tracking systems
  • Submit reports on its work at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors and/or at others times as needed
  • Plan educational meetings on Health and Productivity for ACOEM members and other key stakeholders 
Highlighted Activities  
  • Development and ongoing updates to the HPM Toolkit™ and the HPM Clinic. 
  • Conducted survey among members and HR/benefits professions on understanding of HPM. 
  • Conducted research project on medication adherence.
  • Conduct sessions at AOHC on HPM.
  • Hold teleconferences every other month.
  • Hold annual in-person meeting at AOHC.
  • Sponsor web conferences such as the recent "Who Survives? How Benefit Costs Are Killing Your Company".
  • Sponsor the HPM Clinic and Worksite Wellness Courses.